Curettage (Root Surface Smoothing) Treatment
The process of deep cleaning of the gums and tooth root is called curettage (root surface smoothing) treatment . Although this treatment is often confused with dental scaling, it is very different in the way it is applied. However, the fact that it is applied under local anesthesia is one of the important details that make the procedure different. Plaque, tartar and inflammation formations in the person who does not neglect dentist controls and who has a general examination every 6 months can be detected at an early stage and can be solved with scaling. However, if the person does not have regular check-ups, the plaque and tartar problem progresses to the gum and root. At this stage, curettage treatment should be applied.

Curettage treatments, root surface healing procedures, are the process of cleaning the infected tooth root parts with special tools called curettes. With this process, the structure around the tooth roots, called pathological pockets, is cleaned from inflammation and removed.
What is Dental Curettage?
Dental curettage is the process of removing diseased tissue, tartar and plaque from the mouth and gums. Dental curettage is a procedure performed to prevent the progression of periodontal disease. Curettage literally means "deep cleaning".
During the dental curettage procedure, a special laser is used to remove inflamed dead tissue from the gums. The main purpose here is to prevent harmful and inflamed tissues from infecting healthy tissues. As a result of removing the harmful tissue, healthy new tissue development is triggered. In non-advanced stages, the process can be applied by opening between the tooth and the gum.
Who Can Receive Curettage Treatment?
Dental curettage is a form of treatment applied to scrape the inflammation under the gums in people with gum disease. It is known as the process of scraping under the gums. It is a safe and common treatment used in gum disorders.
How is Curettage Treatment Performed?
Curettage tooth cleaning should be performed by a specialist physician without wasting time. Curettage treatment, root surface smoothing, is the process of cleaning infected tooth root surfaces with special tools called curettes. With this procedure, the structure called pathological pocket around the tooth roots is cleaned and removed from the inflammation. During the procedure, local anesthesia is applied and the person does not feel any pain or soreness. The tooth roots are restored to a structure that will not allow inflammation and tartar accumulation again. If there is no improvement in the inflamed parts after curettage, a flap operation may be required.
What are the Benefits of Curettage Treatment?
Curettage teeth cleaning can make the gums look aesthetically healthier. However, gum diseases can be prevented in the long term. With the curettage procedure applied without losing time, it becomes possible to prevent problems such as bone resorption and tooth loss.
Types of Gingival Curettage
Curettage procedure can be applied to a single tooth or for the whole jaw. The stones in the gum pocket are cleaned. The tooth root surface and gum surface are cleaned. This procedure may not always be finalized in a single session, session treatments may be required.
If you have complaints such as bleeding, swelling and receding gums, you should consult your dentist immediately. The dentist will then determine whether this treatment is suitable for you and plan the treatment.
Post-Curettage Care
To speed up the healing process after tooth curettage, there are some rules that should be considered. We can list these rules as follows;
- Some complications following the procedure should be considered normal. Some of these complications may include sensitivity to heat and cold, mild bleeding and pain.
- Overly cold or hot foods should not be consumed.
- No smoking and alcohol consumption for the first two days after the procedure.
- The mouth can be rinsed with warm salt water 3 times during the day.
- The treatment area should be lightly brushed the first night. Afterwards, flossing should be started and the old situation should be restored day by day.
The healthy appearance of the gums is noticeable 1 week after the treatment, and the full recovery period is determined as 20 days. Otherwise, it may be necessary to consult a dentist.