What is Anesthesia and Reanimation?
The name of the department authorized to initiate and manage all surgical procedures is called anesthesiology and reanimation. During the operation, this unit monitors the general health of the person and protects their safety. In addition, anesthesia before surgery is also given by this department. Monitoring the vital functions of people receiving treatment in the intensive care unit is also the field of anesthesia and reanimation specialists.

This is the department in hospitals and other health institutions that is responsible for controlling conditions such as blood pressure, pulse and breathing before and after surgery. The reanimation side of this department, which is usually known as anesthesia , basically means bringing the sick person back to life.
Reanimation is a method used to restore the respiratory or circulatory system to a functional and viable state. This method is important to prevent complications before, during or after surgery and to protect the health of the patient. This department is especially important in eliminating such possible problems that may occur during surgery and is involved in every stage of the surgical process.
What should be done before receiving anesthesia?
Before the operation, the patient and his/her relatives should be informed about the anesthesia procedure. At this time, the patient should be informed about the possible complications that may occur and the anesthesia alternatives that can be applied.
The person undergoing surgery is given anesthesia appropriately, and the patient is put to sleep with various anesthesia techniques to minimize the pain felt during surgery. In the meantime, drugs are used in the dosage determined by the anesthesiologist.
It ensures that the person's blood vessels and airway remain open throughout the operative period. During the operation, while other specialists continue surgical operations, this department controls the vital functions of the person such as pulse and blood pressure.
In case of cardiac and respiratory arrest, medical intervention is applied by inserting a breathing tube. If the person's condition is severe, he/she is followed up in the intensive care unit. Apart from all these, this department works in cooperation with the relevant specialists when necessary.
What Diseases Does Anesthesia and Reanimation Deal with?
Anesthesia is the name given to the technique of numbing the patient with medication in order to minimize the pain experienced during surgery. There are basically 3 different types of anesthesia: general, regional and local;
General anesthesia: It is applied by numbing the whole body of the person and turning off consciousness. General anesthesia is not applied in regional surgeries such as arm, leg, abdomen, in case the patient has breathing problems and in patients with heart and lung diseases.
Regional anesthesia: It is applied in surgeries involving a specific area such as the arm, leg or the body below the waist. It is preferred in hip-knee prosthesis, shoulder surgery, inguinal hernia, normal or cesarean delivery.
Local anesthesia: Compared to regional anesthesia, it is applied to a smaller part of the body before the operation. For example, local anesthesia is applied to minimize the pain that may occur in operations such as the removal of sebaceous glands in the body. It is used for surgeries outside such small parts of the body.
In addition, individuals who cannot be anesthetized can be determined as a result of the anamnesis and tests taken from the patient before the operation. If the tests show results that are unfavorable to anesthesia, it would not be right to perform anesthesia. The reanimation part of this department is responsible for performing CPR. CPR is performed when an individual's respiratory and circulatory systems are not working.