Üsküdar Dental Hospital

What is Flap Operation?

Flap operation is a gum operation performed to correct the pockets that appear in the gums and to restore the gums to their natural state. The points below the gum line where the gum tissue begins to separate from the tooth are called gum pockets. This leads to an increase in harmful bacteria and the emergence of an area that cannot be cleaned. These bacteria cause inflammation on the tissue, causing tenderness, bleeding and pain in the gums. Left untreated, it can lead to gum disease, tissue damage and various disorders in the body.

After cleaning the root surface of the tooth, a surgical procedure called flap operation is required to prevent ongoing infection and to ensure healing. Although the flap operation does not provide a permanent solution to gum diseases, it is an effective method for the protection of gum health. 

What is the Flap Operation For?

Flap operation is performed to eliminate or minimize pockets that develop in the gums as much as possible. An incision is made in the gum tissue to reach the pockets. The problematic tissues are cleaned through the incision, the roots of the teeth are exposed and a deep cleaning is provided. Formations such as plaque and tartar are removed, the intervened area is closed and the healing process is started, which will take place quickly.

Another aim of the operation is to restore periodontal ligaments and bone tissue lost due to inflammation. Different techniques can be used to achieve this goal, including high-tech methods such as bone grafting or growth-enhancing chemicals. These methods can help restore the gums to their natural shape and function, as well as help create healthier and more secure dental protection.

How to Perform Operation Flap

Flap operation is usually performed under local anesthesia. In some cases, a syrup or anti-anxiety medication with a relaxing effect is given orally with local anesthesia. In addition, being under general anesthesia for the operation is another option. A small incision is made to separate the gum from the tooth, this incision is shaped like a small wing. The gum tissue on the outer surface is tilted back slightly to allow access to the root, connective tissues and bone tissue.

After the first stage, the inflamed gum tissue is removed. After the diseased gum tissue is removed and the root of the tooth is cleaned, antibiotic treatment can be applied to the area if deemed necessary. If there is damage to the bones, it is possible to repair the damage by using graft material.

After all the necessary procedures, the incision is closed and the operation is completed. Flap surgery is more likely to be successful when performed by trained specialists in the field. Flap operation is among the most preferred methods that lead to effective results because of gum diseases and inflammation.

Stages of Flap Treatment

Flap treatments, usually consist of 6 stages. The operation stages can be listed as follows: 

  • The periodontist surgeon who will perform the surgical intervention cleans the surgical surface with various antiseptic products.
  • Two vertical and two horizontal incisions are made at the edges of the operated gingival area and the granulations in the bone pocket are removed.
  • The tartar accumulated in the root of the tooth is removed, cleaned and polished to its natural state.
  • If any damage to the bone tissue is detected during surgery, this is restored with the help of transplant materials.
  • The operation is completed by washing the wound surface with antiseptic solutions, suturing the gums and applying periodontal bandages.
  • Sutures placed at the incision sites are removed on the 10th day after the operation.

Oral Care After Flap Surgery

One of the decisive factors in the success of the surgical procedure is oral care after the procedure. Oral hygiene should be provided as described by the physician and controls should not be interrupted. Some of the points to be considered after the flap operation are as follows:

  • Cold compresses should be applied periodically to the wound surface for 20 minutes in the days following surgery.
  • In case of discomfort and pain, painkillers can be used in accordance with the instructions for use.
  • Do not rinse your mouth or spit for the first eight hours after surgery. Gargle gently with salt water for a while.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided to prevent bleeding and bad wound formation.
  • Avoid heavy physical activity and avoid hot baths for the first three days after surgery. 
  • Solid foods should be avoided. Hot drinks and food should not be consumed for a while.
  • Teeth should be brushed with a soft bristled brush. Gums should not be damaged.
  • Rinse the mouth regularly and use the medications recommended by the doctor.

Updated Date:05 August 2023Creation Date:04 August 2023