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What is Gum Correction? How Is It Done?

Gum correction is a surgical procedure performed by dentists and is usually performed for aesthetic or health reasons. This procedure is used to correct irregularities in the gum line, remove excess gum or correct asymmetrical gum lines. Gum correction is performed under local anesthesia and helps to achieve a more aesthetic appearance by regulating the gum tissue.

What is Gum Correction? How Is It Done?

This surgical procedure is usually preferred for patients with receding gums, asymmetry in the gum line or excess gums. The dentist creates an appropriate treatment plan by assessing the patient's wishes and needs and applies local anesthesia during the procedure. After gum correction, it is possible for patients to achieve a significant improvement and a more aesthetic smile. Modern anesthesia methods are used to perform this procedure painlessly, allowing patients to have a comfortable experience.

In Which Situations Is Gum Correction Preferred?

Gum correction is a surgical procedure that can be preferred in various situations. This procedure is usually performed for aesthetic or health reasons. Some of the situations where gum correction is preferred are as follows:

Gum Recession: Gum recession can cause the tooth root to be exposed and make the teeth appear longer. Gum correction can be preferred to correct this recession and achieve a more aesthetic smile.

Asymmetrical Gum Line: Asymmetries in the gum line can cause the teeth to appear uneven. Gum correction can be applied to correct this asymmetry and create harmony between the teeth.

Excess Gum: Excess gum can hide the natural beauty of the teeth. Gum correction can make the teeth appear longer and more aesthetically pleasing by organizing excess gum tissue.

Aesthetic Smile Design: In the process of aesthetic smile design, gum correction aims to improve the harmonious appearance of the teeth and the overall aesthetics of the smile.

Implant Treatment: During implant treatment, gum correction may be required to ensure the correct placement of the implants. This ensures that the implants integrate harmoniously into the gum line.

Gum Correction Application

Gum correction is a surgical procedure usually performed by a dentist or periodontologist. This procedure is performed to correct irregularities in the gum line, to improve aesthetic smile design or to ensure the correct placement of dental implants. The procedure begins with an examination and evaluation step.

The dentist evaluates the patient's complaints and determines the desired results. Then, local anesthesia is applied and gum correction is performed. Stitches may be applied after the procedure.

The patient is informed about the healing process and appropriate care instructions. Gum correction usually takes place with minimal discomfort and most patients can return to normal within a few days. The healing process can vary from patient to patient, so an individual treatment plan is created.

Is There Pain During Gum Correction?

Since local anesthesia is usually used during gum correction, most patients do not feel pain. The dentist or periodontologist numbs the area before the application, ensuring that the patient has a comfortable and painless experience. Thanks to local anesthesia, the pain during gum correction is minimal.

However, slight discomfort or swelling may be felt after the procedure. In this case, it is important to follow the physician's instructions to take the recommended pain medication and follow the care instructions. The duration and severity of pain can vary from individual to individual, but relief is usually seen after a short recovery period.

After Gum Correction

The things to be considered after gum correction are as follows:

Pain and Discomfort Control: Pain and discomfort are normal after gum correction. Regular use of painkillers recommended by the dentist is important.

Cold Compress Application: Applying a cold compress to the procedure area is an effective method to reduce swelling and sensitivity.

Preference for Soft Foods: During the healing process, soft foods should be preferred in order not to damage the procedure area. Hot, spicy or hard foods should be avoided.

Oral Hygiene: When using a toothbrush and dental floss, the procedure area should be treated gently. Regular use of mouthwashes recommended by the dentist can also reduce the risk of infection.

Recovery Process: Full recovery may vary from person to person, but can usually be seen within a few weeks. It is important to attend regular follow-up appointments recommended by the dentist.
If excessive bleeding, severe pain or abnormal symptoms occur, it is important to contact the dentist immediately.

Updated Date:06 March 2024Creation Date:05 February 2024