Üsküdar Dental Hospital

What is an Implant?

Implant is an artificial tooth root, usually in the form of a screw, placed in the jawbone as a result of tooth loss. Implants, which are usually made of titanium, have a high success rate due to their high tissue compatibility. The advantage of implant treatment compared to other treatments is that neighboring teeth are not damaged. Anyone over 18 years of age and who has completed bone development can undergo implant treatment.

What is an Implant?

A dental implant can offer a welcome alternative to ill-fitting dentures or bridges and is therefore more preferable to methods such as traditional bridges.

How Implant Treatment is Performed

Prior to implant treatment, the patient undergoes a detailed examination and an intraoral x-ray is taken. In this procedure, measurements of the jawbone and remaining teeth are taken. There are two different procedures for placing the implants. In the one-step procedure, a temporary cap is attached after the implant is placed. 

In the two-stage process, the dental implant is placed and the gum is closed and left to heal. Afterwards, prosthetic heads are attached. In both methods, a temporary bridge is placed and there is a healing period of three months in the lower jaw and 6 months in the upper jaw. 

What are the Types of Implants?

Implant types are mostly distinguished according to the findings of the patient's teeth and oral tissue as a result of the dentist's examination. For this reason, a detailed examination and examination should be performed by a trained and experienced specialist in order to achieve a successful result. In addition to these, the most frequently preferred and used implant types can be listed as follows:

Endosseous Implants: This is the most widely used type of implant today. Endosseous implants, also known as endostal implants, are applied in cases where one or more teeth are missing.

Endodontic Implants: The treatment is performed with implants placed over existing natural teeth to increase the durability and longevity of the tooth. They are among the most preferred types. 

Transosseous Implants: There is an implant placed not only in the area where the missing tooth is located but also along the entire jawbone. Since it is a difficult procedure in terms of application, the patient must be under general anesthesia. In addition to the application, it is not preferred much because of its slow healing speed.

Intramucosal Implants: One of the oldest implant applications, intramucosal implants consist entirely of titanium. It is applied to increase retention in prostheses. 

Subperiosteal Implants: It is not a very common type of implant. However, it can be applied for people with insufficient natural jawbone to support endosteal implants.

What to Consider Before Getting a Dental Implant?

Implant is an artificial tooth root placed in the jawbone to restore the functionality and appearance of missing teeth in the mouth. Implant screws are structures with a certain thickness and width. For this reason, the jawbone in the area where the implant will be placed must be of the appropriate height and width for the implant screw. Some of the conditions to be considered before having a dental implant are as follows:

  • The gums must be completely healthy before treatment and as long as the implant remains in the mouth.
  • It is important that the treatment process is planned correctly and by a dentist trained in the field.
  • Compatibility of the bone structure with the materials used affects implant success.
  • Before the implant treatment, the bone, gums and other teeth should be checked by a specialist whether they are healthy enough.

Who Can Have Implant Dental Treatment?

Implant treatment can be applied to people who are over 18 years old and have completed their jaw and facial development. Before the treatment, it is determined by X-ray whether the jaw structure is suitable for implant treatment. 

Care should be taken before applying implant treatment to diabetics. In people who use blood thinners, the drug is first discontinued and then implant treatment is performed. In addition to these, implant tooth application can be performed in the following cases;

  • Patients with a single missing tooth,
  • Full or partial edentulous patients,
  • In tooth loss due to various causes or trauma,
  • Patients with jaw and facial defects,
  • Patients with a fused jawbone problem,
  • Patients who do not want to use a removable prosthesis.

When Is Implant Overdenture Done?

Loading on the implant at the right time and in accordance with the rules is also an important factor affecting the life of the treatment. Generally, after 3 months, the implant and bone are fused and the implant is opened and tooth construction is started. When sinus augmentation is performed, this period should be 6 months.

Updated Date:05 August 2023Creation Date:04 August 2023