Üsküdar Dental Hospital

What is Gingivectomy?

Gingivectomy, is a surgical procedure commonly used in the field of dental health. This procedure refers to the surgical removal of gum tissue. Gingivectomy can be performed for various purposes. Primarily, it is performed to treat gum problems, especially to correct the gum line or adjust the length of the teeth. It can also be performed to provide better access to the tooth root surface or for aesthetic reasons. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and the patient's comfort is taken into consideration.

What is Gingivectomy?

Gingivectomy should be performed by specialized dentists. The dentist successfully performs the gingivectomy procedure by creating a treatment plan that suits the patient's needs and health status. In this way, patients can achieve a healthier gum structure and aesthetically pleasing results.

In Which Situations Is Gingivectomy Performed?

Gingivectomy is a surgical intervention for a variety of tooth and gum problems and can be performed in several situations:

  • It is often used in the treatment of gum diseases. It is performed to control swelling, redness in the gum line and infections in the gum pockets.
  • Irregularities in the gum line can sometimes occur due to genetic factors or the teething process. It can be applied to correct these irregularities and achieve a more aesthetic gum line.
  • In cases of overgrowth of the gum line or gum recession, tooth length can be adjusted with a gingivectomy. This helps to give the teeth a more balanced and aesthetic appearance.
  • Gum pockets can form with the progression of gum disease. Gingivectomy aims to remove these pockets and provide better access to the tooth root surfaces.
  • It can also be applied for aesthetic purposes in smile design. It can be preferred for those who want to achieve a more symmetrical and aesthetic smile by correcting irregularities in the gum line.

How Is Gingivectomy Treatment Performed?

Gingivectomy is the surgical removal of gum tissue. This treatment is performed to correct gum problems and improve aesthetic smile design. Prior to the procedure, the specialist dentist assesses the general health of the patient and local anesthesia is usually used during the procedure. 

Markings are made on the gum line and the surgeon removes excess gum tissue. Bleeding is controlled with sutures and the healing process begins. Patients can achieve a successful healing process by following the dentist's recommendations and not neglecting regular check-ups. Gingivectomy is an effective surgical option for correcting gum health and achieving aesthetic results.

What are the Benefits of Gingivectomy?

Gingivectomy is a surgical procedure for a variety of gum problems and can offer many benefits:

  • Provides an effective solution to gingivitis, swelling or other gum problems.
  • By organizing the gum line, it can help achieve an aesthetic smile design.
  • In cases of gingival hyperplasia, it can be used to correct overgrown gum tissue.
  • Provides an effective treatment option against problems caused by periodontal diseases.
  • A smooth gum line allows teeth to be cleaned more effectively.

Gingivectomy is a surgical procedure to improve patients' oral and dental health with these benefits. However, since every patient situation is different, it is important to consult a dentist about the suitability of this procedure.

What are the risks and harms of gingivectomy?

As with any surgical procedure, gingivectomy can involve certain risks and harms. These may include:

  • There is a possibility of infection at the surgical site. It is important to take proper hygiene measures during the healing process.
  • Bleeding may occur during or after gingivectomy. This is a risk that the surgeon must carefully control.
  • Surgical intervention may result in temporary or permanent loss of sensitivity.
  • After gingivectomy, irregularities in the gum line or unwanted aesthetic changes may occur.
  • In some patients, the healing process may be prolonged or complications may occur.

As with any surgical procedure, a thorough evaluation and communication between the patient and dentist is important prior to gingivectomy. Understanding the surgical risks and being aware of possible complications can help the patient have a safe recovery.

What to Consider After Gingivectomy

After a gingivectomy operation, it is important to observe some precautions for a successful healing process:

Mouth Hygiene: It is important to pay attention to oral hygiene as recommended by the dentist to keep the surgical site clean and reduce the risk of infection.

Medication Use: Regular use of antibiotics or painkillers as recommended by the physician can keep possible infections and pain under control after the operation.

Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking and drinking alcohol can negatively affect the healing process. Avoiding these substances can speed up recovery.

Rest: It is important to allow time for adequate rest and recovery after the operation. Excessive physical activity should be avoided.

Regular Checkups: Regularly attending follow-up appointments scheduled by the dentist can help monitor the healing process and detect potential problems early.

Food Consumption: Hard and sharp foods should be avoided for a while after the operation, soft and liquid foods should be preferred.

Updated Date:17 January 2024Creation Date:27 December 2023