What is Gum Treatment?
Gum disease can occur when the gums become infected with bacteria. The infection causes inflammation and irritation of the gum tissue. Most people will experience gum disease at some point in their lives. When gum disease is treated early, it can be treated without surgery. If the problem progresses and causes serious complications, gum treatment can be performed with surgery.

Gum treatment covers a wide range of dental procedures. Dental specialists perform many different treatment procedures to reduce infection in the gums and heal tissues damaged by gum disease.
What are the Symptoms of Gum Disease?
Symptoms of gum disease appear depending on the stage of the disease. Symptoms that usually occur in the early stages include swelling, redness and tenderness. The complaints that occur in most cases are as follows:
- Mouth odor
- Tooth sensitivity
- Shrinking of the gums (gum recession)
- Redness and swelling of the gums
How to Treat Gums
Treatment of gingivitis, is performed by methods determined by the specialist according to the stage of the disease, the level of effect of the previous treatment and the general health status of the person. Treatment is divided into two classes as surgical and non-surgical methods. Non-surgical gum treatment methods can be listed as follows:
Professional Dental Cleaning
Plaque and tartar that go below the gum line cause gum diseases. In this procedure performed by a specialist, plaque and tartar are removed and gum problems are eliminated. People who have regular gum cleaning are less likely to have gum diseases.
Dental Scaling and Root Planning
If plaque and tartar accumulation is detected under the gums, the specialist will perform a dental cleaning and root planing in these areas. In this procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia, plaque and tartar are removed above and below the gum line. Afterwards, the rough parts of the tooth root are smoothed, making it difficult for bacteria to attach and multiply.
If gum diseases progress, some surgical interventions may be required. The gum treatments that can be applied in such cases are as follows:
Pocket Reduction Surgery
During this procedure, the gums are lifted and the tartar accumulated underneath is removed. In addition, pockets filled with tartar are also cleaned in this procedure, and in some cases, the damaged tooth bone may need to be reshaped.
Bone Graft
A dental bone graft is done to regenerate areas damaged by gum disease. The procedure is done with the use of bone grafts taken from the person's own bone or synthetic bone. These grafts, which replace the bones in the damaged area, help to regenerate the bones.
Soft Tissue Grafts
It is a procedure in which the thinning gums are strengthened or the receding gums are filled.
Directed Tissue Regeneration (DTR)
Directed tissue regeneration is a treatment approach that aims to emphasize the tissues and cells that have priority in the healing process and thus to achieve clinical healing closest to the original structures of the lost support tissues.