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What is Teeth Bonding?

Bonding, the origin of the word, means bonding or fastening. bonding, which is one of the methods of preventive dentistry, is a frequently preferred form of treatment in aesthetic dentistry and has many advantages. However, the art and experience of the physician who will apply this procedure is very important for the result.

What is Teeth Bonding?

Bonding is the process of repairing broken, decayed or chipped teeth with composite material and restoring their former aesthetic appearance. It protects and improves dental and oral health and provides an aesthetic smile. As a result of bonding application, deformities in the teeth are eliminated, and a whiter appearance can be obtained on the teeth. 

What are Bonding Properties?

Bonding is used in the field of aesthetic dentistry and forms an important part of preventive dentistry. It contributes to the protection of oral and dental health with its different advantages. In addition, it creates an aesthetic smile in individuals. Bonding features can be listed as follows;

  • Bonding can be applied in a simple way, above all without causing any particular wear on the teeth.
  • However, the number of sessions is usually low. Because an average of 4 to 6 teeth can be treated with a single session.
  • However, it corrects the gaps and shape problems that occur between the teeth up to certain proportions and thus contributes to achieving an aesthetic appearance of the teeth.
  • It is also an effective technique for correcting broken or locally defective teeth.
  • If properly and regularly maintained, it can be quite long-lasting. 
  • With regular check-ups and proper polishing, achieving a natural tooth color is simple.
  • Bonding can be performed without any form of anesthesia in many cases.

How to Apply Bonding

Bonding is among the aesthetic procedures applied without any intervention to the teeth and without any abrasion on the teeth. Therefore, it is a frequently preferred application especially in the field of aesthetic dentistry. One of the most important principles of this application is to provide the process without damaging the teeth.

However, it is aimed to change the color or shape of the teeth without causing damage to the teeth, to change the size of the teeth and to eliminate various defects. The methods to be followed for bonding application are as follows;

  • First, the patient is prepared and then it is observed whether any form of anesthesia is needed. In addition, the possibility of abrasion of the teeth is also evaluated.
  • Then the teeth are prepared and the teeth are isolated as they should be with Rubber Dam, a rubber cover, which is generally preferred for aesthetic dental treatments.

Then, in order to ensure the necessary connection between the filling material and the surface of the teeth, the teeth are first roughened and treated with bonding agents. However, polymerization is applied on the teeth. 

After these applications, the bonding material is preferred to be compatible with the color of the usual teeth and then the placement process is provided in layers.

After the final shaping is applied during the process, the final polishing is applied and the application ends. The polishing stage is very important in the bonding technique. In this phase, the teeth should not be discolored and for this, they should have a smooth structure. However, in some cases, polishing is done again after an average of 1 week. 

What are the Advantages of the Bonding Method?

The bonding method, which is frequently preferred, provides many advantages in terms of aesthetics and health. Some of the advantages of the bonding method are as follows;

  • There is usually no abrasion of the teeth in this procedure.
  • However, thanks to the bonding process, the teeth can be lengthened to a certain extent. Thus, the aged appearance, which is in the foreground during the smile, is also lost.
  • Bonding can also resolve yellowed images on the teeth over time.
  • In addition, tooth decay and fractures can also be repaired in a very simple and effective way.
  • On the other hand, bonding method is a low-cost treatment method for people who do not prefer laminated porcelain or aesthetic porcelain.

Does Bonding Application Have Side Effects?

Bonding is a very simple procedure. There is usually no need for anesthesia. However, the person does not feel any pain or ache during the procedure. Since there is no abrasion on the teeth, the pain is very low.

Updated Date:15 December 2023Creation Date:04 August 2023