Üsküdar Dental Hospital

Root Canal Treatment in Children

Since root canal treatment in children is a very sensitive issue, the availability of the treatment is determined by the dentist depending on the age and dental condition of the child. Root canal treatment in children is a surgical procedure in which the problematic pulp structure is removed and the rest of the tooth is preserved. The key to having healthy teeth and oral structure is to ensure the care of milk teeth and to apply the necessary treatments in case of decay or other dental problems.

Milk teeth play an important role in children's nutrition and speech. They serve as a guide for the development and proper alignment of permanent teeth and can cause permanent problems if they are lost due to decay or other reasons. Since the permanent teeth will replace the deciduous teeth, if the necessary care and sensitivity is not given to the deciduous teeth, the permanent teeth may not fully develop. This can lead to decline in feeding and speech functions in children.

Canal Treatment Application in Children

Children may require root canal treatment if tooth decay is deep. During the treatment, the nerve tissue is completely removed from the tooth and the remaining part of the tooth can be used in a healthy way. The tooth may need to be numbed with local anesthesia during the application. Root canal treatment can be completed in a single session or it can be completed in different sessions for several weeks depending on the condition of the tooth.

Complications of Root Canal Treatment in Children

The dentist specialist can place a temporary filling in the tooth between treatment sessions. Since the temporary filling will be softer than the permanent filling, it is important to avoid hard foods. If hard foods are consumed, some complications such as fracture and fall of the filling may occur. In cases such as the temporary filling falling or breaking, the doctor should be consulted immediately. In addition, the patient should go to check-ups at intervals determined by the specialist and should not disrupt these checks.

At what age does canal treatment begin?

The ideal time to perform root canal treatment in children for any reason is reported to be the period when the child begins to express himself verbally and sits alone and unassisted in the dentist's chair. It is very important for a healthy treatment that children can communicate with the dentist and understand and fulfill the commands given. When these conditions are met, root canal treatment can be performed from about 3 to 4 years of age. At a younger age or in emergencies, treatment can also be done with emotional and physical support from parents.

How Root Canal Treatment is Performed in Children

Canal treatment applied to milk teeth is no different from root canal treatment applied to permanent teeth. The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the condition of the tooth and the child's compliance with the treatment. First, the tooth is anesthetized and the procedure is started painlessly. In the first session, the decayed tissue inside the tooth is cleaned. When the infected canal is reached, the dead tissue containing microorganisms is removed with various tools. The inside of the tooth is washed with disinfectant solutions, the canals are cleaned and the tooth is filled with appropriate medication. 
Materials such as long-lasting composite (white) fillings or stainless steel crowns are applied to strengthen the structure of the healthy tooth. These procedures can take between 30 and 45 minutes depending on the condition of the person. In addition, if deemed necessary by the specialist, two or three sessions of drug treatment can be applied and the tooth can be expected to heal.

Is Root Canal Treatment Performed on Milk Tooth?

Canal treatment of milk teeth may not always be necessary. Since root canal treatment in children is a very sensitive issue, the dentist determines whether this procedure is suitable for the child, depending on the age of the child and the condition of the teeth. Decays in deciduous teeth and the progression of these decays can cause night pains in children and sensitivity during eating. In such cases, root canal treatment may be necessary. 
In addition, early loss or loss of deciduous teeth may require many different treatments in the future. For this reason, canal treatment can be applied in case of decay or similar problems in deciduous teeth.

Updated Date:05 August 2023Creation Date:04 August 2023