Üsküdar Dental Hospital

What is Tooth Root Inflammation? How is it treated?

Root inflammation occurs when bacteria cause inflammation in the innermost tissue of the tooth. This condition, also called a periapical abscess, can occur after untreated tooth decay, improper previous dental treatment or an injury. If left untreated, the inflammation can worsen and procedures such as root canal treatment or tooth extraction may be necessary. Good oral and dental hygiene and routine visits to the dentist are recommended to prevent this condition.

What is Tooth Root Inflammation? How is it treated?

When the inflammation in the root of the tooth spreads throughout the body, general symptoms such as pain, fever, swelling, weakness and fatigue may occur. Therefore, it is important not to delay treatment to avoid different complications in the body.

Why Does Tooth Root Inflammation Occur?

The biggest factor in the occurrence of tooth root inflammation is the entry of bacteria into the pulp of the tooth, causing infection. Located on the top of the teeth and in the cavities of the root canals, the pulp is the inner tissue of the teeth that forms the nerves, connective tissue and blood vessels. In addition, other causes of tooth root inflammation can be listed as follows: 

Poor Oral and Dental Care

Not brushing your teeth regularly is one of the most important factors that increase the risk of dental problems. Lack of proper care of the teeth, especially tooth decay, can lead to tooth root inflammation, gingivitis and other oral and dental problems. 

Consuming Sugary Foods 

Consuming foods that contain high amounts of sugar can harm oral and dental health. Sweet, carbohydrate, acidic foods and drinks can cause tooth decay and lead to the formation of dental abscesses.

Dry Mouth

An existing dry mouth condition can lead to various dental diseases. Dry mouth can occur as a side effect of certain medications or with advancing age.

Anatomical Causes

Despite adequate oral hygiene and a healthy diet, tooth root caries may be more common in some people due to differences in jaw and tooth anatomy.

What are the Symptoms of Tooth Root Inflammation?

The common symptom of tooth root inflammation is severe toothache. These pains can last for a long time, sometimes affecting the lymph nodes and the ear. Root inflammation can also cause intense tooth sensitivity and difficulty swallowing. Common symptoms of tooth root inflammation include:

  • Severe, throbbing, persistent pain radiating to the jawbone, neck and ear,
  • Pain and sensitivity to hot or cold foods,
  • Swelling of the face, cheeks and neck causing difficulty in swallowing,
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes under the chin,
  • Mouth odor and a bad taste in the mouth,
  • Fire.

How to Diagnose Tooth Root Inflammation

Dental root inflammation is diagnosed with some diagnostic methods performed by dentists. Patients who may apply to the dentist with various complaints are first examined. During the examination, the specialist touches the problematic tooth to see if there is any pain or aching in the tooth. 

If there is a suspicion of inflammation in the tooth root after the examination, imaging methods such as X-ray and CT (computed tomography) can be used. X-ray is a method applied to determine the abscess and spread of teeth. The specialist can also visualize the size and severity of the abscess in the neck area with computed tomography.

How Does Tooth Root Inflammation Go Away?

The main goal in the treatment of tooth root inflammation is to cure the inflammation. The following treatment methods can be applied to achieve this. Some of these methods are as follows:

Antibiotic Therapy

It is usually the primary treatment for a tooth abscess. Dentists usually prescribe antibiotics to the patient, waiting for the infection to heal before doing anything to the tooth.

Draining the Abscess

In this method, also called incision, a small incision is made in the abscess area and the pus formed in that area is allowed to flow out. The area is then cleaned and the swelling in the area goes down.

Channel Treatment

Root canal treatment is a common treatment method for tooth root inflammation. In this procedure, the tooth is opened and the diseased pulp tissue is removed. Then the gap formed here is filled and closed. The tooth, which has undergone root canal treatment and is located at the back, can be made stronger by coating after the procedure.

Dental Extraction

Tooth extraction is the last option in the treatment of gingivitis. In order for this procedure to be performed, the person must be treated with the various methods mentioned above and negative results must be obtained.

How to Prevent Tooth Root Inflammation

To prevent tooth root inflammation, it is first necessary to prevent tooth decay. It is important to perform routine oral and dental care regularly to prevent tooth decay. Some of the ways to prevent tooth root inflammation include:

  • Teeth should be brushed effectively 2 times a day,
  • Supportive cleaning methods such as flossing and interdental brushing should be used,
  • Gargle with a little salt water,
  • Smoking and alcohol should be avoided,
  • See your dentist regularly.

Updated Date:07 July 2023Creation Date:04 August 2023