Üsküdar Dental Hospital

What is Pregnancy Gingivitis?

Pregnancy gingivitis is a common condition of the gums during pregnancy and is often associated with hormonal changes. Increased levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body during pregnancy can increase blood flow to the gums, which can cause tenderness, swelling, redness and even bleeding. Even simple oral hygiene practices, such as brushing or flossing, can lead to gum irritation more easily. This is particularly common during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, as hormone levels are at their highest.

What is Pregnancy Gingivitis?

Pregnancy gingivitis often occurs when oral hygiene is inadequate. Plaque buildup and bacteria that settle on the gum margins can cause inflammation of the gums. During pregnancy, the body's immune system can change, which can make the gums more susceptible to infection than usual.

Pregnancy gingivitis is usually treatable. It is important to maintain gum health with good oral hygiene, regular brushing and flossing. Professional teeth cleaning by a dentist and regular follow-up visits can also help control gingivitis. However, if pregnancy gingivitis is neglected and left untreated, it can progress to gum disease (periodontitis), which can increase the risk of tooth loss and negatively affect pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to oral and dental health during pregnancy.

When are dental treatments performed during pregnancy?

The timing of dental treatments during pregnancy varies depending on a number of factors, including the general health of the pregnant woman, the stage of pregnancy, the urgency of the treatment and the type of treatment. In general, dental treatments during pregnancy are recommended in the following situations:

Emergencies: If there is an urgent dental problem, treatment should be administered immediately. For example, conditions such as severe toothache, tooth abscess or gingivitis may require emergency dental treatment.

Second Trimester: The second trimester of pregnancy (usually between 14 and 26 weeks) is a time when the baby's organ development is complete and there are usually fewer pregnancy symptoms. Therefore, most dental treatments are scheduled during this period.

Light Routine Treatments: During pregnancy, routine dental care and minor treatments (for example, teeth cleaning, minor fillings or extractions) are generally safe and can be performed.

Planning Before Pregnancy: Dental treatments should be completed before planning a pregnancy. If painful or serious dental problems arise during pregnancy, the doctor should be consulted before treatment.

Use of Radiography: During pregnancy, the use of radiography (x-rays) should be limited. However, radiographs can be done in cases requiring dental treatment, especially when protective measures are taken and the abdomen is protected.

Prolonged Postponement of Treatment: Some dental treatments may need to be postponed during pregnancy, especially when more serious surgical procedures or treatments requiring the use of medication are involved.

It is important for the health of both mother and baby that dental treatments are planned and carried out appropriately during pregnancy. If there are any concerns or questions about dental issues during pregnancy, it is important to discuss them with a dentist or obstetrician.

Are Anesthesia, X-rays, Antibiotics Harmful?

When limited use of anesthesia is necessary during pregnancy, the manufacturer's warnings should be heeded; however, if no harm has been detected, there is no harm in this practice. Other medicines, such as painkillers, should also be used in accordance with the manufacturer's warnings. Tetracycline group antibiotics should not be taken during pregnancy because tetracycline can cause discoloration of the baby's teeth, known as "tetracycline discoloration". X-rays should not be taken unless it is an emergency; however, if an emergency dental treatment is required, the expectant mother should be dressed in a gown, fast film should be used and low doses should be preferred.

Does every pregnancy cause tooth loss?

No, not every pregnancy causes tooth loss. There can be a number of changes that affect oral and dental health during pregnancy, but this does not always result in tooth loss. Hormonal changes, heartburn, increased appetite and other factors can affect dental health during pregnancy, but with regular oral hygiene and regular check-ups with the dentist, the risk of tooth loss can be significantly reduced.

It is especially important to pay attention to gum health during pregnancy because hormonal changes can affect the gums and cause conditions such as pregnancy gingivitis. Tooth loss is often due to factors such as poor oral hygiene, tooth decay or gum disease, and pregnancy can make these worse. However, pregnancy does not directly cause tooth loss.

The important thing is to take care of dental health during pregnancy and visit the dentist regularly. This is an important step to maintain the health of the teeth and gums and can reduce the risk of possible tooth loss. Maintaining good oral and dental health during pregnancy is also important for the overall health of the mother and baby.

Updated Date:21 August 2024Creation Date:01 April 2024