Üsküdar Dental Hospital

What is Sinus Lifting Operation?

Sinus lifting is a surgical procedure usually performed to create bone volume suitable for dental implants. This operation is performed to increase the bone under the sinus cavity of the upper jaw. This operation is usually performed before implant treatment, when there is not enough bone in the upper jaw posterior tooth areas.

What is Sinus Lifting Operation?

Sinus lifting is performed to increase the chances of implant success and to provide a suitable bone structure for dental implants. This procedure is usually performed by maxillofacial surgeons or dentists specializing in dental implants.

Why is Sinus Lifting Performed?

Sinus lifting is a surgical procedure to create bone volume suitable for dental implants, usually in the posterior tooth regions of the upper jaw. This procedure aims to:

Insufficient Bone Volume: When there is insufficient bone volume in the posterior tooth regions of the upper jaw, sinus lifting can be performed to increase bone volume for safe and effective placement of dental implants.

Insufficient Bone Under the Sinus Cavity: If the volume of bone under the maxillary sinus cavity is insufficient, it may be necessary to remove the sinus floor and add bone graft to this area to create a suitable foundation for dental implants.

Successful Dental Implantation: Sinus lifting is performed to increase the chances of success of implant treatment and to create a suitable environment for dental implants.

This operation is a solution that is usually used when patients with missing teeth are to undergo implant treatment and there is not enough bone in the maxillary sinus area. Sinus lifting can be performed as a preparatory stage before dental implants to provide a suitable bone structure for implant surgery.

How is Sinus Lifting Surgery Performed?

Sinus lifting surgery is a surgical procedure performed to create a suitable bone volume for dental implants. As a first step, the patient is usually given a local anesthetic to numb the operation site. Then, the area under the maxillary sinus cavity is identified to increase the amount of bone in the area where the dental implants will be placed. The surgeon enlarges the sinus cavity by carefully lifting the sinus floor. 

A critical stage of the operation is the insertion of a bone graft into the sinus cavity. This graft is usually sourced from materials such as the patient's own bone tissue, synthetic bone or donor-derived bone. Once the procedure is complete, the surgical site is closed with sutures. 

Sinus lifting surgery is a solution used in cases where the amount of bone is insufficient before implant surgery. Usually performed by maxillofacial surgeons or dentists specializing in dental implants, it aims to provide a bone structure suitable for dental implants, increasing the chances of implant success.

What to Consider After Sinus Lifting Surgery

It is important to pay attention to certain precautions to achieve optimal recovery and successful results after sinus lifting surgery. Here are some precautions that should be applied in this process:

Food should be eaten on the other side for the first 24 hours: After the sinus lifting procedure, food should be eaten on the other side for the first 24 hours to protect the wound site.

Food and Beverage Restriction: Nothing should be eaten or drunk in the first 2 hours after surgery, after which warm and soft foods should be preferred.

Nasal Cleansing and Sneezing Technique: Nasal cleansing with pressure should be avoided after surgery and the mouth should be kept open during sneezing.

No Smoking: No smoking for at least 12-24 hours, because smoking can affect the circulatory system and negatively affect the healing process.

Bleeding and Suspicious Conditions: Leaking bleeding in the first 48 hours is normal, but if you smell or taste blood in your mouth or experience unexpected bleeding, swelling or pain, contact your doctor immediately.

Cold Compress Application:

Regular Use of Medicines Recommended by a Doctor: You should take your doctor's recommended medicines regularly, on time and as prescribed. This can keep the pain under control and speed up recovery.

Timely removal of stitches: Sutures should usually be removed on the 7th day after the operation.

No Blood Thinners: After surgery, any blood thinners, including aspirin, should not be used.

Consult a doctor for unexpected conditions: In case of any unexpected bleeding, swelling or pain, you should consult your doctor immediately.

By following these precautions, you can have a healthy recovery process after sinus lifting surgery and achieve positive results.

Sinus Lifting Surgery Risks

Although sinus lifting surgery is generally a safe procedure, as with any surgical intervention, it involves some risks. These risks include infection, damage to the sinus membrane, implant failure, material leakage, seroma formation, wound healing problems, pain and swelling, and anesthetic reactions. 

A thorough pre-operative assessment and open communication with the surgeon are important to minimize risks. Following postoperative hygiene rules and care instructions can also reduce risks such as infection. These risks may vary depending on factors such as the patient's general health, other diseases and allergies to the materials used.

Updated Date:26 December 2023Creation Date:07 December 2023

General Dental Treatments