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What is a Zygomatic Implant?

Zygomatic implant is a larger implant compared to normal implants. It is a method applied to the teeth in the upper jaw. They can be used to replace missing teeth, severely damaged and decayed teeth, or teeth that are loose due to severe periodontal disease. While conventional implants are known to be 8-10-12 in length, Zigoma type implants range from 30 to 50 mm. It is a different implant system that has a special surface.

What is a Zygomatic Implant?

It is a method applied to people who cannot receive any implants and to patients with advanced bone resorption. Zygoma implants are a method applied inside the cheekbone. It is a very hard bone structure that connects the upper jawbone. When it is not possible to implant on the upper jawbone, it can be done by placing it in the zygoma bone.

How is Zygoma Implant Application Performed?

Zygoma implant applications are performed by specialists in the field. These procedures are performed on patients who have lost teeth due to any trauma or tumor in the upper jaw area. Applications are performed under general anesthesia. Before the implant is placed in the cheekbones, a procedure is performed in that area to place the implant screws. 
These procedures are performed by making adequate cavities and placing the screws at the right angle. After the placement of the implant screws, a temporary dental prosthesis is attached and the healing process begins. For a period of 3 months, basic dental prostheses are applied to the implants. 

Who Can Get a Zygomatic Implant?

Zygomatic implant is a method applied to patients with advanced bone resorption in the upper jaw area. Local or systemic factors such as dental and gum diseases, tooth loss, infections, traumas can cause destruction of the upper jaw bone. 
As a result, the bone volume required for implants to replace missing teeth cannot be reached. In such cases, a surgical procedure that can increase the amount of bone cannot be performed and the patient may be offered a zygomatic type implant.
It can be applied to patients who have lost teeth at an early age, who have lost teeth as a result of genetic factors or certain diseases. These methods can also be applied to any patient whose upper jaw area is not suitable for implants.

What are the Advantages of Zygomatic Implant Application?

Zygomatic implant applications have a number of advantages for patients. People with bone loss in the upper jaw or damage to the zygomatic bone due to trauma do not need bone grafting (bone augmentation) for the implant. 
Such implants offer a solution for people who cannot undergo classical implant applications. After the application of the method, patients can regain their teeth on the same day.
It offers a solution to tooth loss in patients with cleft lip or cleft palate. It improves and can be used in the treatment of failed normal implant applications. It supports more teeth than normal implant applications.

What are the Disadvantages of the Zygomatic Implant?

Zygoma implant application may have some disadvantages and these can be listed as follows:

  • Treatment is difficult and laborious
  • Recovery can be long
  • A number of serious complications can occur after implantation
  • May be more costly than other implants

It is important to be careful after the treatment. During the recovery period, the diet should continue in accordance with the program determined by the physician and should not be deviated from it. In addition, in case of situations such as fractures, it should be repaired by going to a specialist physician. In cases where care is not taken, implant loss may occur.

Zygomatic Implant Treatment and Recovery

After zygoma implant surgery, patients are advised to avoid hot foods and liquids for a certain period of time. Solid foods should not be given until the patient is fully recovered. After the surgery, ice supplements should be applied to the treated area for 1 day. In addition, bleeding that may occur with ice support to be applied to these areas is also prevented.
There is a recovery period of approximately 3 months. During this period, the nutrition program determined by the physician should be followed and this program should not be deviated from. After 3 months, the actual prostheses are inserted and patients can consume the foods they want. 
It is important to eat only soft foods until the permanent implants are in place. Solid foods should be avoided until the implants have fused with the bone. After the treatment and healing process is complete, they are no different from natural teeth and can be used.

What Should Be Considered Before Treatment?

There are some points to be considered before zygoma implant treatment. The patient's tomography should be taken and the upper jaw area should be examined. It is also important that the patient is examined by an ENT specialist before the application. If there are some pathological problems on the sinus area, it should be treated. This is because the treatment application is very close to the sinus area.

What are the Complications of Zygomatic Implant

There are some serious complications that can occur after zygomatic implant application. The most serious complication that can occur is the loss of the implant. These implants placed in the cheekbone can cause disruptions in the structure of the sinuses in the inner cheek and jawbone tissue, passing through the sinus cavity.

Updated Date:03 March 2023Creation Date:04 August 2023