Üsküdar Dental Hospital

What is Smile Design?

Smile design is a treatment method that aims to give the person an aesthetic appearance in accordance with the patient's mouth, jaw and facial contours as a result of deterioration in dental aesthetics and differentiations in the gums that may occur due to various reasons. In addition, it can be applied to anyone, whether male or female, who wants to have a remarkable smile.

What is Smile Design?

There is no single type of treatment in smile design, which is known as the main branch of aesthetic dentistry. Depending on the patient's request and existing discomfort, different arrangements should be made and applied. In addition to providing a flawless appearance on the teeth, it includes dental procedures to gain color and size. 

How to Design a Smile

This method, which is applied to people who want to have an aesthetic and flawless appearance in teeth, is performed by specialist physicians. In smile design, the patient's expectations are first learned and planning is made accordingly. Planning is made in line with the models prepared with the measurements taken from the patient. Afterwards, the patient's face and intraoral images are measured with special programs prepared in a computer environment and the patient's compliance is calculated. The closest views to be obtained after the treatment are presented to the patient with temporary restorations in accordance with the patient and their opinions are taken.

After the planning is completed, if no orthodontic treatment is needed, some disorders in the gums are improved. In case of tooth deficiency, implant procedures can be performed and surgical procedures can be performed if the physician deems necessary. After the surgical intervention, the healing process is started and after this period, teeth whitening is performed if necessary. 

In some cases, aesthetic composite fillings can be used when there is a formal or visual defect in the teeth. When this method fails, porcelain laminate and zirconium veneers are applied. Considering the lip structure and shape taken into consideration during the construction of the applications, the intended design takes the left form.

What Procedures are Applied in Smile Design?

The procedures to be performed for aesthetic smile and dental design is a treatment process that differs from person to person. Since the aesthetic needs of each patient may be different, the procedures to be performed are also determined according to the person. Different factors such as facial features, gender, age and expectations are important in determining the procedures. If there are decayed teeth or gum disease, the existing diseases should be treated before the application and then the teeth are cleaned. The procedures applied from smile design can be listed as follows: 

  • Gingivectomy (gingivectomy procedures)
  • Tooth whitening (bleaching) methods
  • Correction of misalignment of teeth 
  • Teeth coating
  • Procedures such as implants and prostheses for missing teeth
  • Porcelain laminates and veneers
  • Zirconium plating
  • Orthodontic treatments (wire treatment).

Who Can Have a Smile Design?

People who experience situations such as crowding in tooth arrangement and alignment, discoloration and staining of teeth, difference in tooth length, aesthetic disorder in gums, missing teeth, bad appearance can have smile design.

In addition, anyone who does not have any defects or problems in their teeth, but wants to have this design for beautiful teeth in terms of appearance can benefit from this treatment. The benefits it provides to people are as follows:

  • A youthful and dynamic look
  • Healthier teeth and surrounding tissues
  • Aesthetic and flawless smile
  • Increases self-confidence
  • Relieves anxiety due to dental problems

What to Consider Before Smile Design

There are some important points that should be considered first for patients who want to have an aesthetic smile. In order for the smile design to be made, there should not be any disorder in the tooth structure and alignment of the person. It is important that the teeth on the top are emphasized and more prominent than the other teeth. There should not be any staining on the teeth. 

The harmony of the lips and gums is also important. If there is no problem in performing the application, a procedure suitable for the oral and dental structure should be applied in line with the patient's request. The treatment process is planned in line with this plan, taking into account the conditions that the patient complains about. Among the things to be considered are the lip structure, the length of the teeth, the gum feature, lip and tooth harmony.

Usage of Smile Design

The duration of use of this application, which provides an aesthetic appearance, is also among the curious questions. The duration of use may vary depending on the care and hygiene of the patient's oral and dental health. It can usually vary between 5 and 15 years. However, paying attention to oral and dental hygiene extends the life and duration of use of the teeth.

Updated Date:10 April 2023Creation Date:04 August 2023