Üsküdar Dental Hospital

What is Cracked Tooth Syndrome?

Chipped tooth syndrome is a dental health condition characterized by prominent symptoms caused by cracks or fractures in the teeth. This syndrome, which usually occurs in molars, is characterized by the formation of cracks that are too small to be seen on a dental x-ray or that are under the gums.

What is Cracked Tooth Syndrome?

If symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome are experienced or suspected, it is important to consult a dentist. The dentist can make the correct diagnosis and provide information on appropriate treatment options, which is an important step in protecting the patient's dental health.

What are the symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome?

Symptoms of cracked tooth syndrome are usually associated with the pain and sensitivity experienced by patients and are characterized by obvious signs caused by cracks or fractures in the teeth. The symptoms of this syndrome are usually as follows:

Pain and Sensitivity: Individuals often experience temporary pain and sensitivity when they bite into food or when their teeth are exposed to hot or cold things.

Triggering Conditions: Pain and sensitivity are not constant, as with cavities, but occur in certain trigger situations. In particular, contact with certain types of food can trigger these symptoms.

Stains or Cracks in the Tooth: Cracks can often appear on the surface of the tooth or inside the tooth. These stains or cracks are often different from the normal appearance of the tooth.

A Feeling of Sticking Between the Teeth: People may experience a feeling of sticking between their teeth. This can cause the cracks to affect the tooth structure, causing the teeth to rub against each other.

Sounds from Cracked Teeth: Cracked teeth can cause noises during chewing or grinding. These noises may indicate the presence of cracks.

If you are experiencing the above-mentioned symptoms, you should consult a dentist to evaluate your condition and create an appropriate treatment plan. Remember that early detection is important in the effective management of cracked tooth syndrome.

What Causes Cracked Tooth Syndrome?

There are various factors that can lead to the development of cracked tooth syndrome. Some of the main causes can be:

Teeth Grinding or Clenching: Teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism) can lead to excessive pressure on the teeth, which can cause cracks to form.

Excessive Pressure on the Teeth: Overlapping teeth, especially when clenched or chewed hard, can put too much pressure on the teeth, which can lead to cracks.

Large Fillings: Large fillings in the tooth can lead to cracks over time, especially if there is a mismatch between the filling material and the natural tooth tissue.

Root Canal Treatment: Teeth that have undergone root canal treatment can develop cracks because the tooth structure can weaken after this treatment.

Anomalies of Tooth Development: Anomalies that occur during tooth development can lead to cracked tooth syndrome. For example, problems with the internal structure of the tooth can cause cracks.

Trauma or Injury: Trauma or injury to the teeth can trigger cracked tooth syndrome. Cracks can occur especially when the tooth is hit.

Each individual's situation can be different and cracked tooth syndrome can occur as a result of a combination of multiple factors. Therefore, it is important to consult a dentist to identify the causes of cracked tooth syndrome and plan appropriate treatment.

How is cracked tooth syndrome diagnosed?

The diagnosis of cracked tooth syndrome is usually made by a dentist. A thorough examination, taking into account the patient's complaints and symptoms, is important in making a diagnosis. The dentist may also try to detect invisible cracks using X-rays and special tests.

Differences in color between teeth and possible changes in the tissues around the teeth are also evaluated in the diagnostic process. The combination of these steps guides the process of accurately diagnosing cracked tooth syndrome and creating the appropriate treatment plan.

How is cracked tooth syndrome treated?

Treatment for cracked tooth syndrome varies depending on the type, location and severity of the crack. Small cracks can be closed with bonding, and all or part of the tooth can be strengthened with crowns. Root canal treatment can be applied in cases where the crack reaches the tooth pulp.

Filling cracks with fillings is also an option. In very serious cases, dentures, implants or tooth extraction may be considered. The treatment plan is determined depending on the patient's condition and needs. In any case, it is important to consult a dentist for appropriate treatment options.

Updated Date:01 April 2024Creation Date:27 February 2024