What is a Wisdom Tooth? Wisdom Tooth Symptoms
Wisdom teeth, also popularly called wisdom teeth, are adult teeth that generally erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Wisdom teeth, which are some teeth located at the back of the jaw, generally do not adapt to the structure of the jaw, thus causing pain, abscesses and diseases. Therefore, many wisdom teeth have to be removed by dental extraction or dental surgery.
In individuals with a suitable jaw structure, these teeth do not need to be extracted. In some cases, wisdom teeth may remain embedded in the gum because they erupt at the wrong angle due to the unsuitable jaw structure and may not be noticed when viewed from the outside. These teeth, which are also called Imbedded wisdom teeth , generally manifest themselves with the pain they cause. With regular dental check-ups, the eruption and development of wisdom teeth can be monitored and in case of a negative situation, the teeth can be extracted without damaging oral and dental health.

These teeth are the teeth that appear at the very back of the jaw in the form of third molars between the ages of 17 and 25. There are four wisdom teeth, two in each upper and lower jaw. In some individuals, the formation of more wisdom teeth is also seen. These teeth usually cannot gain enough space in the jawbone to be found in the jawbone and may remain embedded or even if they erupt into the mouth, they may force the teeth in front. This can lead to pain and infections in the mouth.
These problems are caused by the lack of sufficient space in the jaw for the removal of wisdom teeth. Along with the intense pain it causes, it can also cause damage to the jaw structure and adversely affect the health of other teeth in the mouth. Therefore, it is useful to consult a dentist and undergo an examination when wisdom teeth begin to erupt.
At what age do wisdom teeth erupt?
The wisdom teeth although they are called so, they do not have to come out at the age of 20. These teeth, which are 4 in total, generally occur at the ages of 17-25. However, even if they do not occur at this age, this does not mean that there are no teeth. Wisdom teeth may not be recognized if the individual does not experience pain because they are usually impacted. In such a case, the fate of the impacted teeth can only be realized in the X-ray examination taken during the dentist examination. Individuals in the 17-25 age group should consult their dentist if they experience pain in the place where the wisdom teeth will erupt or if they grow a tooth with an abnormal appearance.
What are the Symptoms of a wisdom tooth?
Wisdom teeth, which can find enough space in the gums and grow without causing any problems, develop in a healthy way and do not show any signs of a particular disease. However, the wisdom teeth of many people cause problems due to the absence of this part. The symptoms seen when wisdom teeth erupt or remain impacted are as follows;
- Severe pain in teeth and gums
- Highly sensitive gums
- Pain in the jaw or ear
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Headache
- Intense odor from the inside of the mouth
- Pain when chewing
Some of these symptoms in people between the ages of 17 and 25 are caused by wisdom teeth and the negative effects caused by these teeth. Therefore, people who complain of these conditions should consult their dentist.
When to extract wisdom teeth
The wisdom teeth appear between the ages of 17 and 25, erupt in the mouth in the form of third molars and do not have to be extracted. However, these teeth may not be extracted if they erupt smoothly in the mouth and cover an opposing tooth.
In which cases is a wisdom tooth extracted?
In case of infection or decay, wisdom teeth should be extracted without delay. Wisdom teeth should be extracted if they are likely to damage other teeth in the mouth. If bone loss starts to occur around the roots; these teeth should definitely be extracted. Together with these, the situations in which wisdom teeth should be extracted are as follows;
- Pain caused by pressure
- Disorders of the gums
- Orthodontic causes
- Problems with prostheses
- Cyst formation
What is good for a wisdom toothache?
Pain in the tooth also causes pain in the jaw. Therefore, wisdom teeth also trigger jaw pain. Especially when wisdom teeth erupt, intense pain and swelling can occur in the area between the lower part of the ear and the jaw, as well as in the eye and temporal area. Teeth should be brushed, food debris should be removed and floss can be used. Using a high pillow also relieves toothache. Other factors that are good for wisdom tooth pain are as follows;
- Ice can be placed on the painful area.
- Hot water compresses and gargling with hot water in the mouth relieve pain.
- Mashing the garlic and applying it on the aching tooth relieves the pain.
- Black cumin helps relieve toothache.
- You can rinse your mouth with oxygenated water diluted with water.
- These are not permanent solutions, it is absolutely necessary to consult a dentist.
How is wisdom tooth surgery performed?
20 tooth surgery comes into play in cases where the tooth is embedded in the bone or cannot fully erupt. How this dental surgery will be performed is completely determined by the location of the tooth in the x-ray examinations of the tooth. In cases where the wisdom tooth is located in the gum and the partial tooth roots are embedded in the jawbone, it is generally not possible to remove the tooth in one piece. In such cases, the wisdom tooth to be extracted is divided into pieces by the dentist and thus extracted.
Another method is to make an incision in the gum for tooth extraction . With the help of this incision, the tooth is removed quite easily. After tooth extraction and cleaning of that part, the gum is stitched. These stitches are removed some time after the procedure. Such surgical operations are the specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgeons.How long the surgery performed with local anesthesia will take depends on the location of the tooth and the number of teeth to be extracted. It is usual for people who undergo wisdom tooth surgery to have blood leakage in the operated area for a certain period of time.
Solid or liquid foods should not be consumed during the time recommended by the specialist for clotting in the surgical area. After the operation, swelling may occur in that part, and intense pain may occur as the anesthesia loses its effect. In such a case, it is useful to take painkillers prescribed by the dentist.
The part where the tooth has been extracted should not be touched with the hand or tongue, and the other part of the mouth should be used when consuming food. Smoking should be avoided for 1 day as it will increase bleeding. Ice compresses can be applied to relieve swelling. In individuals with more damage to the teeth, dentists can be consulted for information on how to implant .