Üsküdar Dental Hospital

What is a Bone Graft?

Bone grafting is a treatment method commonly known among individuals who are considering dental implants. This method refers to a series of procedures performed to create bone in the area of bone loss in the jawbone. Bone grafting can be performed using bone tissue from one's own body, grafts from animal sources or synthetic grafts.

What is a Bone Graft?

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure and is performed by a specialist dentist. When the patient's own bone tissue is used, graft material is usually taken from under the jaw. As a result of this procedure, a solid structure is formed on the jawbone, making it suitable for implant treatment. As a result, bone grafting is an effective treatment method used to create a jawbone suitable for implant treatment. In this way, the jawbone deficiency problems of dental implant candidates are overcome and a healthy and durable foundation is created.

Who Can Receive Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure performed to compensate for the loss of jawbone due to various conditions and to create a suitable foundation for implant treatment. Conditions requiring bone grafting:

Long-Term Tooth Loss: Over a long period of time, the jawbone can weaken in the area where missing teeth are located. Bone grafting can strengthen the jawbone by adding bone to this weakened area.

Jawbone Deficiency: The jawbone may be insufficient due to genetic factors, congenital structural problems or deficiencies caused by trauma. In this case, bone grafting may be preferred to strengthen the jawbone.

Periodontal Diseases: Periodontal diseases can cause damage to the gums and surrounding tissues. This can lead to bone loss in the jawbone and bone grafting can compensate for these losses.

Improper Prosthesis Use: Inappropriate prostheses or edentulous conditions can cause loss of jawbone. Bone grafting can compensate for these losses and provide a suitable environment for implant treatment.

Conditions Due to Genetic Factors: In people with a genetically weak jawbone structure, the jawbone can be strengthened using bone grafting.

Accidents or Traumatic Events: Accidents, injuries or traumatic events can cause damage to the jawbone. In this case, the damaged area can be corrected with a bone graft.

What are the Types of Dental Bone Graft?

Dental bone graft types are determined by considering the needs and general health status of the person to be treated. The types are as follows:

Autogenous Grafts: It is made with tissues taken from the patient's own body, compatibility is high.

Isogenous Grafts: Similar tissues taken from another living being are used, tissue compatibility is important.

Allogenic Grafts: Includes donor tissues from the same species with different genetic structure, usually obtained from banks.

Xegonic Grafts: Tissues from different species, usually of animal origin.

These types are used to evaluate the healing process of the jawbone after a successful procedure and to ensure its suitability for implant applications.

Is Dental Bone Grafting a Painful Treatment?

Dental bone grafting is a treatment method that is generally associated with minimal pain and discomfort. However, it can vary from individual to individual depending on their pain threshold, their sensitivity to the surgical intervention and the area of application. Below is information about the general painfulness of dental bone grafting:

Use of Local Anesthesia: The dental bone grafting procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. This ensures that the application area is numbed and no pain is felt during the operation.

Post Procedure Discomfort: Following the procedure, individuals may experience mild to moderate discomfort. This can vary depending on the complexity of the operation, the type of graft used, and the person's general state of health.

Medication Use: Usually, dentists prescribe painkillers or anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain and discomfort after the procedure. These medications can help make the healing process more comfortable.

Recovery Process: The recovery process after dental bone grafting varies depending on the person's body structure and the type of graft used. However, usually the pain and discomfort subsides within a few days and the healing process continues smoothly.

How is a dental bone graft performed?

A dental bone graft is a surgical procedure performed to correct deficiencies in the jawbone and create a suitable basis for implant applications. The procedure begins with an assessment of the patient's general health condition and the identification of deficiencies in the jawbone.

After local anesthesia is applied, the appropriate graft material is selected and placed in the missing area. The graft is used to support and strengthen the jawbone. After fixation, the surgical area is closed with sutures.

How long does the healing process take?

The healing process after dental bone grafting varies depending on various factors such as the general health status of the patient and the graft material used. In the initial phase, mild pain, swelling and bleeding may be experienced within 1-2 weeks after the procedure; however, these discomforts can be reduced with recommended medications and guidelines.

In the medium-term healing phase, the graft material begins to integrate with the jawbone within a few weeks to a few months. The long-term healing process can take several months, after which dental implants can be applied.

The healing process varies according to the individual patient's condition and is managed by the dentist with scheduled check-ups.

How Do Bone Grafts Work?

Bone grafts can be obtained from various sources, providing tissue compatibility in the area where they are applied, and integrate with the jawbone to form a stable structure. This method varies depending on the overall health of the patient and the severity of the bone deficiency, but is generally used as an effective surgical procedure to strengthen the jawbone and compensate for deficiencies.

Updated Date:05 February 2024Creation Date:09 January 2024