What Causes Bad Breath (Halitosis)?
Mouth odor, scientifically known as"halitosis", is a condition that is usually caused by factors in the mouth and surrounding areas. Poor oral hygiene, bacteria that accumulate in the mouth as a result of not brushing the teeth regularly or not cleaning the tongue can cause bad odor. However, tooth decay, gum disease or infections in the mouth can also cause bad breath.

External factors such as smoking, using tobacco products, dry mouth, digestive system problems and respiratory infections can also contribute to halitosis. Consumption of certain foods and beverages can also cause halitosis temporarily. If halitosis becomes a persistent problem or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to consult a dentist or doctor. There may be an underlying health problem and a qualified health professional can help.
Symptoms of Halitosis (Halitosis)
Mouth odor, scientifically known as halitosis, can manifest itself in different ways. Here are common symptoms of halitosis:
Bad Odor Detection: Bad breath is usually first noticed by the person or those around them.
Bad Taste: Bad breath is often accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth.
Dry Mouth: Dry mouth may be felt as a result of decreased saliva secretion.
Gum Problems:
Dental Decay: Dental decay or rotten teeth are common causes of bad breath. Spots inside the mouth: Some areas inside the mouth may have discoloration or spots. Sinus Problems:
Digestive problems, especially reflux, can lead to bad breath. Respiratory Problems: Chronic respiratory illnesses can be associated with bad breath. Difficulty Swallowing: Difficulty swallowing may occur with bad breath. If bad breath has become a persistent problem or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to consult a dentist or doctor. There may be an underlying health problem and a qualified health professional can help. Mouth odor can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are common causes of bad breath: Poor Oral Hygiene: Failure to clean the teeth and tongue regularly can cause bacteria and food debris to build up in the mouth and cause odor. Dental Decay and Gum Problems: Decayed teeth or gum disease can cause bacteria to multiply and cause bad odor. Dry Mouth: Decreased saliva causes dry mouth. Saliva cleanses the mouth of bacteria and prevents bad breath. Smoking Cigarettes and Using Tobacco Products: Nicotine and other chemicals can cause bad breath. Food and Drinks: Some foods and drinks, especially garlic, onions, spicy foods, alcohol and coffee, can cause bad breath. Stomach Problems: Reflux, stomach ulcers or other digestive system problems can lead to bad breath. Respiratory Infections:
Systemic Health Problems: Systemic diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, liver disorders can also cause bad breath. Orthodontic Appliances and Dentures: Prostheses or orthodontic appliances can be difficult to clean, which can lead to bacteria growth and bad breath. If bad breath has become a persistent problem or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to consult a dentist or doctor. There may be an underlying health problem and a qualified health professional can help. The diagnosis and treatment of halitosis is usually performed by a doctor or dentist. The diagnostic process begins with taking a history to determine the duration of the patient's bad breath, the time of onset and other possible symptoms. This is followed by a detailed examination of the mouth, teeth, tongue and other oral structures. Odor tests may also be used to test for specific odors.
It is also important to check for tooth decay, gum disease, dentures or orthodontic appliances. A systemic examination can be performed by a doctor if necessary to determine if there is an underlying health problem. As for treatment, the first step is usually to maintain good oral hygiene. Basic oral care measures such as brushing, flossing and tongue cleaning are practiced. In addition, problems such as tooth decay and gum disease are treated. If dry mouth is present, measures are taken to increase saliva production. If an underlying health problem is detected, appropriate treatment is initiated. If the patient smokes, it is recommended to quit. Regular check-ups and the use of special mouthwashes can also be effective in the treatment process. Bad breath can be a serious problem and may be a symptom of an underlying health problem. Therefore, if bad breath persists, a doctor or dentist should be consulted. To eliminate halitosis (halitosis), you can follow these steps: Good Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day (morning and night) and floss between your teeth. Also, clean your tongue with a tongue cleaner or toothbrush to prevent bacteria buildup. Regular Dental Checkups: Going to your dentist regularly is important for early detection of oral health problems such as tooth decay or gum problems. Water Consumption:
Tongue Cleaning: Cleaning the tongue surface with a tongue cleaner or toothbrush can prevent bad breath by reducing bacterial buildup. Avoid Smoking and Tobacco Products: Smoking and using tobacco products can cause bad breath. Therefore, these substances should be avoided. Mouthwashes and Sprays: You can help eliminate bad breath by using mouthwashes or sprays recommended by your doctor or dentist. Healthy Eating Habits: You can prevent bad breath by avoiding overly spicy or smelly foods. Also, eating foods high in fiber can reduce bad breath. Regular Exercise: Exercise can prevent bad breath by increasing saliva production. Precautions Against Dry Mouth: If you suffer from dry mouth, you can moisturize your mouth by increasing water consumption or using specially formulated mouth sprays. If bad breath persists or worsens, it is important to consult a doctor or dentist. There may be an underlying health problem and a qualified health professional can help. Foods can affect bad breath because the chemical structure and digestion process of the foods we consume can cause bad breath. Here are the effects of food on bad breath: Spicy Foods and Garlic:
Spicy Foods and Hot Peppers:
Alcohol: Alcohol can cause dry mouth and reduce saliva production. This can lead to bad breath. Coffee and Tea: Caffeine-containing beverages can cause dry mouth and reduce saliva production. Acidic Foods:
Protein-heavy diets: Excessive protein intake can lead to more waste products accumulating in the body, which can cause bad breath. Dairy Products: Some people cannot digest milk and dairy products. In this case, undigested lactose can be broken down by bacteria in the intestines and cause bad odor. Insufficient Water Consumption: Not drinking enough water leads to dry mouth and reduces saliva production, leading to bad breath. Therefore, reviewing our eating habits and taking care of our oral health is important to prevent bad breath. You can also address the problem of bad breath by consulting your dentist or doctor.Causes of Halitosis
Mouth Odor Treatment
How to Eliminate Bad Breath (Halitosis)
How Foods Affect Bad Breath