Üsküdar Dental Hospital

Patient Rights and Responsibilities


Right to Benefit from Services

Everyone who applies to our hospital has the right to benefit from all services without discrimination of language, religion, race or sect.

Right to Information and Consent

Patients or their legal representatives have the right to receive full information about their health condition, including the proposed medical interventions and the potential risks or benefits of each intervention, the outcome and prognosis, in a language and method they can understand.
Apart from medical and legal obligations, our patients have the right to decide on the treatment to be applied after being informed about the risk of serious side effects, risk of death, problems related to convalescence, chances of success, etc. 
If our patient uses this right, he/she is deemed to have given his/her consent to the procedures to be performed.

Right to Recognize, Select and Change Personnel

Patients have the right to know, choose and change the identities, duties and titles of the doctor, nurse and other health personnel responsible for their treatment, as applicable.

Right to Choose and Change the Organization

Our patients have the right to choose and change health institutions and organizations, provided that they comply with the procedures and conditions stipulated by the legislation to which they are subject.

Right to Refuse and Stop Treatment

Except in legally mandatory cases and at the patient's own risk for any negative consequences that may arise, the patient has the right to refuse or request the cessation of the planned or ongoing treatment.

Right to Privacy

Our patients have the right to receive services in a confidential environment during the entire treatment process.

Right to Respect

Our patients have the right to be examined and treated in a respectful, compassionate and friendly environment, protecting their personal dignity at all times and under all circumstances.

Right to Perform Religious Obligations

Our patients have the right to freely fulfill their religious obligations regardless of religious differences and as long as it does not interfere with treatment.

Right to Security

Everyone has the right to expect and demand safety in a health institution. Necessary measures are taken by our hospital to protect and ensure the safety of life and property of patients and their relatives such as visitors and companions.

Right to Have a Companion and Visitor

Our patients have the right to receive visitors and have a companion in accordance with the procedures and principles determined by our hospital.

Right to Submit Complaints / Comments and Suggestions

Patients and their families have the right to initiate, review, finalize and be informed of the outcome of the complaint mechanism in our hospital in case of violation of patient rights.


Giving Information

Providing complete and accurate information about the state of health to doctors and nurses in charge of providing medical services.

Following Recommendations

He is also obliged to comply with the treatment plan recommended by the doctor in charge of his treatment and to accept the performance of the care plan by the relevant health personnel in accordance with the doctor's instructions.

Refusing Planned Treatment

He is responsible for the consequences of refusing the treatment planned by the doctor.

Compliance with Health Organization Rules

Responsible for complying with hospital rules and practices.

Showing Respect

It is problematic to act in accordance with the measures and rules to be taken by the hospital in disturbing situations such as noise and visitors that endanger patients and their relatives in the hospital.

Infection Control

Patients and their relatives are responsible for being sensitive to all measures recommended to them to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Payment Responsibility

Our patients who will make their own payments are responsible for paying their examination and treatment expenses. Patients and their relatives who intentionally damage fixtures and consumables are responsible for paying for them.

Patient Visitor

Our patients have the responsibility to receive as few visitors as possible at the same time, not to bring food or drink, not to use other patients' belongings, and to respect hospital visiting hours.

Inappropriate Request

The patient should not request the administration of any medication or treatment not approved by his/her authorized physician and not included in the treatment plan.

Updated Date:02 March 2023Creation Date:04 August 2023