Üsküdar Dental Hospital

What is Panoramic Dental X-ray?

Panoramic dental x-ray is a type of x-ray commonly used by dentists to assess oral and dental health, diagnose and plan treatment. It is taken by the dentist using a special X-ray device to provide an overall view of the mouth and jaw area.

What is Panoramic Dental X-ray?

Due to radiation exposure, such x-rays are only done in certain circumstances and according to requirements. If your dentist recommends that you have panoramic dental x-rays when needed, it can help to better understand your oral health and make appropriate treatment plans.

Why is a panoramic x-ray necessary?

Panoramic X-rays are necessary for the following reasons:

Evaluation of Dental Health: Panoramic dental x-rays help dentists to assess the overall oral and dental health of the patient. This is used to detect the position of the teeth, cavities, deficiencies and other oral problems.

Dental Treatment Planning: Panoramic X-rays are an important tool in planning various dental treatments such as dental implants, bridges, dentures and orthodontic treatments. By examining the jaw structure, the dentist determines the appropriate treatment options.

Diagnosis of Intraoral Pathologies: This type of x-rays can help in early diagnosis of gum disease, cysts, tumors and other intraoral pathologies. This allows diseases to be treated in the early stages.

Dental Extraction Procedures: Panoramic x-rays can help the dentist better see the position of the tooth and surrounding structures when a tooth extraction is needed. This can make tooth extraction procedures safer and more effective.

Orthodontic Treatment: Panoramic X-rays help plan orthodontic treatments (for example, braces). By examining the position of the teeth and the structure of the jaw, the dentist can individualize the treatment.

How to take panoramic dental x-rays

Panoramic dental x-rays are a type of dental x-ray that is taken using a specialized x-ray machine to obtain an overall image of the mouth and jaw area. This procedure, which does not require the patient to place X-rays or aligners in the mouth, is used for oral and dental health assessment, treatment planning and diagnosis. 

During the procedure, the patient is placed in front of the device, usually using a special cap or armband that helps stabilize the head. As the device slowly rotates around the head, the X-ray beam or sensor passes through the jaw area and collects the data. The procedure is quick, provides minimal radiation exposure and the resulting image is analyzed by the dentist to assess the patient's oral and maxillofacial health. These x-rays are done with the patient's comfort and safety in mind.

Is there any harm in panoramic dental x-rays?

Procedures involving medical radiation, such as panoramic dental x-rays, are generally safe when used in certain circumstances, but should be done with caution. If radiation exposure is excessively high or unnecessary, potential health risks can arise. Potential harms of panoramic dental x-rays and important points to consider may include:

Radiation Exposure: It contains lower levels of radiation than other types of X-rays, but is still a source of radiation. Therefore, it should be carefully considered for more sensitive groups such as pregnant women and children.

Unnecessary Exposure: Panoramic X-rays should be used to assess specific diagnostic and treatment requirements. Unnecessary radiation exposure should be avoided. The dentist will assess whether a panoramic x-ray is really necessary.

Lens and Thyroid Protection: For radiation protection, the patient may need to wear a protective gown and, if necessary, a thyroid protection collar.

Repeated X-rays: Frequent panoramic X-rays of the same area may be associated with an increased risk of radiation exposure. Therefore, repeat images should be performed when necessary.

Health Risks: Low levels of radiation exposure usually do not increase health risks. However, overexposure can lead to serious health problems such as cancer. Therefore, X-rays should only be done when necessary.

What to Consider After Panoramic Dental X-rays

Among the things to consider after a panoramic dental x-ray, it is important to communicate information and concerns about radiation exposure to your dentist. There is minimal radiation exposure during the procedure, but if you have any concerns, you should share them. It is important to pay attention to oral and dental hygiene after the procedure and to continue brushing and flossing. 

The panoramic x-ray results are reviewed by the dentist and if any problems are detected, appropriate treatment is planned. It is important to monitor symptoms and report any radiation-related problems immediately. It is also important to follow regular check-ups in accordance with your dentist's recommendations and take the necessary precautions to maintain your oral health, in order to maintain your health after a panoramic dental x-ray.

Creation Date:26 October 2023

Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology