What is Amalgam Filling?
Amalgam filling, is a type of filling preferred and used in dentistry, especially for caries treatments and repair of small cracks in the teeth. It usually consists of a mixture of metals such as silver, tin, copper, zinc and mercury. The amalgam filling is placed in the tooth after cleaning the decayed areas and hardens to help the tooth regain its former function.

Is the Mercury Substance Contained in Amalgam Filling Harmful?
The mercury in amalgam fillings may cause some concern. Research shows that amalgam fillings are generally safe to use. However, people with mercury allergies or mercury sensitivity may consider alternative filling options.
What are the advantages of an amalgam filling?
Amalgam filling is a preferred type of filling due to its harmlessness, long-term use, durability and affordable cost. It is frequently used especially in the back teeth due to its ability to withstand chewing forces. The advantages of an amalgam filling can be:
- Durability,
- Affordable cost,
- Rapid applicability,
- Effective use on back teeth.
What are the disadvantages of an amalgam filling?
Although it has been frequently preferred for a long time, it is a type of filling that is no longer preferred due to its recent damages. The content of this filling is largely composed of the element mercury. Combined with substances such as silver, copper and tin, amalgam filling helps mercury to bind other metals to form a durable filling material. Disadvantages of an amalgam filling can be:
- Aesthetically silvery appearance,
- Sensitivity to heat and cold,
- Concerns over mercury content
- Alergic reactions,
- Risk of cracking.
These disadvantages should also be taken into consideration when choosing an amalgam filling. Your dentist will guide you to determine the most appropriate type of filling based on your needs and preferences.
What are the symptoms of amalgam filling poisoning?
Symptoms of poisoning associated with an amalgam filling are rare. However, some symptoms may occur in case of overexposure. These symptoms may include the following conditions:
- Metal taste,
- Gum problems,
- Weakness and fatigue,
- Nausea and vomiting,
- Abdominal pain,
- Headache,
- Memory problems,
- Can cause neurological symptoms such as nervousness and tremors.
Amalgam Filling Harmful in Pregnancy?
In general, it is safe to use amalgam fillings during pregnancy. However, some experts suggest that you can choose alternative filling materials instead of amalgam fillings during pregnancy. It is important to consult your dentist during pregnancy.
Health and safety are more important than ever during pregnancy. Therefore, medical decisions made during pregnancy should also be handled with great care. Medical interventions such as amalgam fillings can also cause concerns during pregnancy.
Should Amalgam Fillings Be Replaced?
Amalgam fillings may need to be replaced after a certain period of time. Depending on the durability of the filling and changes in dental health, the replacement time may vary. Your dentist will regularly assess the condition of your fillings.
How long is the life span of an amalgam filling?
Amalgam fillings usually last between 10-15 years. However, depending on individual factors and the location of the filling, the lifespan may vary. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene can prolong the life of the filling.